Reframing the Dialogue of Women's Healthcare – Leah Jacobson
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Leah Jacobson reflects on the importance of women's healthcare and the approach she took when founding Guiding Star Project. Recorded at the 2021 GIVEN Institute.
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Real Philosophy For Real People - Epi...
Fate versus destiny, "now" versus the present, and other tricky concepts as we unpack chapter 4 of Robert McTeigue's "Real Philosophy for Real People".
"Real Philosophy For Real People" is available for purchase at ... -
Episode 2 | The Music of Christendom
Is music just getting worse and worse—or better? Listen to Fr. Fessio, Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce debate the meaning of tradition in art, with the help of Susan Treacy’s Music of Christendom.
La Coronación de Espinas | Misterios ...
La coronación con espinas dibujó una línea definitiva en la arena; el reino de Dios y el reino del mundo están en desacuerdo. Los soldados cayeron de rodillas ante Él, no para alabarlo nipara adorarlo, sino para humillarlo.