Al Apóstol Pedro, se le conoce como roca, pescador de hombres y cabeza de la Iglesia. Pero ¿cómo llegó a merecer tanto honor y autoridad, un simple pescador? Únete a Stephen Ray popular autor y orador católico, mientras sigue los pasos de Pedro desde Galilea a Jerusalén y luego a Roma. Durante este extraordinario viaje, descubrirás las respuestas sobre la infalibilidad del Papa, la sucesión papal, la verdad de la enseñanza católica, ¡y mucho más!
También descubrirás por qué Jesús eligió a este simple pescador y sus sucesores papales para ser los guardianes de las llaves del cielo y los pastores de su Iglesia.
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The Emotional Power of Maternal Love ...
Motherhood is a source of great influence in all our lives. In her talk, Dr. Laracy discusses the emotional power of maternal love. She addresses how we as women can embrace the call to motherhood, even without a perfect experience of their own, and the process of identifying and overcoming the f...
What Does the Catholic Church say abo...
As human beings, we have free will, or, the freedom to choose how we behave in every situation. Our freedom comes with responsibility for our actions. We are responsible for choosing between right and wrong. Which means before any action we should discern: what is the right way to act in this sit...
Think Small
Jesus spent a large amount of time with a small amount of people. It’s tempting to think that all we need in our parishes are better programs to evangelize the masses, but the truth of it is: only people can love people. Relationships hold an absolute priority over programs when it comes to effec...
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