In this next installment of “Mary’s Visits,” Brother Francis and Sister Imelda tell the story of the three shepherd children from Fatima who saw visions of Mary, later to be known as Our Lady of Fatima. Learn about the courage and faith these children exhibited and how they were rewarded with an amazing miracle!
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Pray the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary with legendary hall of fame sportscaster Vin Scully. Scully is best known for his work as the play-by-play announcer for the Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dodgers. In 2016, Scully completed his 67th and final season with the Dodgers — the longest ti...
Jesus Christ, King of the Universe | ...
Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down with different pieces of Sacred Art to discuss their theological meanings and how they can speak to us today.
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