In this next installment of “Mary’s Visits,” Brother Francis and Sister Imelda tell the story of the three shepherd children from Fatima who saw visions of Mary, later to be known as Our Lady of Fatima. Learn about the courage and faith these children exhibited and how they were rewarded with an amazing miracle!
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Genesis | The Bible Collection
Experience the epic tale of creation in this Christian anthology that details the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Noah and the Ark.
Mary's Knight
In the mix of people and events surrounding the Second Greatest Story Ever Told, one man, St. Maximilian Kolbe, emerges for his instrumental role in conquering Polish hearts for Mary Immaculate, including the heart of Pope St. John Paul II. Purchase your copy of Divine Mercy in the Second Greates...
Day 40: Holy Saturday
Be intentionally silent today.
Lenten Reflections 2020