Do you ever feel like motherhood is a battle? How do we become the women God wants us to be in difficult moments? In this video, Crystalina Evert gives advice on how to battle spiritual warfare and be the woman God desires us to be to care for our families.
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Zephaniah | Old Testament: Book Overv...
Watch our overview video on the book of Zephaniah, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this book, Zephaniah announces God’s purifying judgment on Israel. It will remove evil and open up a new future where all people can flourish in peace.
The Bible Proje...
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time—July 15,...
Heroes in our stories today are usually the strongest, the smartest, or the most beautiful people who conquer evil by overpowering it in some way. Even if they don't start out that way, a crucial part of their story is usually them preparing for battle by getting stronger. They know that everythi...
La Misa explicada por P. Larry Richards
Orador inspirador, el Padre Larry Richards, nos presenta una mirada emocionante y poderosa sobre la historia, espiritualidad, y fundamentos bíblicos de la Liturgia de la Eucaristía. El P. Richards nos abre la puerta para que entremos más profundamente en la oración más perfecta y para que unamos ...
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