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Chapter 16: #6: Witness with Your Life

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Meet the Professors: Dr. Scott Hefelfinger

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  • Chapter 16: #6: Witness with Your Life

    You must be a witness of the Good News in the way you live, interact, and serve those in your parish. As hard as it is, it is the easiest way to draw people into the love of God.

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    If we want to live fearless and free, we need to learn how to forgive. Can you think of a person you need to forgive, but find it too hard? “Forgiveness is not a one-time thing,” says Lisa Brenninkmeyer. Study Fearless and Free, and journey toward healing.

  • La enseñanza social Católica: Protegi...

    En una era en la que la vida misma parece ser desechable, ¿cómo podemos seguir el llamado de Dios de proteger y promover la dignidad de la persona humana en todo lugar y en todas las circunstancias?