Matrimony & Holy Orders | Symbolon for Teens: Living the Creed | Episode 5
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More than merely a contract between two people in love, marriage was created by God as part of his plan for humanity. How we fit within that plan may depend on our view of the Sacrament of Matrimony and its profound meaning for the world.
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Why Catholics Are Obligated to Handle...
As Catholics we are called to be good stewards of everything God has given us - including our money. Learn more about this obligation and how to carry it out in the second episode of Catholics and Money from WalletWin.
Discover a greater understanding of our call as Catholics to handle our money...
What is Opening the Word?
Chapter 1: Our Renewal Moment
In this course, Julianne Stanz, the Director of Parish Life and Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay, will present principles, processes, and practicals to help your parish mobilize to make missionary disciples. As Julianne’s introduction makes clear, our parishes are in a moment where rea...