Jesús nos invita no solo a la mesa de la Eucaristía, para darnos a comer su cuerpo, sino que nos invita a escuchar su palabra, porque la Palabra de Dios da vida a quien la escucha y Jesús es el único que tiene palabras de vida eterna.
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Chapter 10: Introduction to the Four ...
This chapter provides an introduction to the four keys to culture change in a parish. These four keys will be covered in multiple sections with greater detail throughout the course.
El Arca de la Nueva Alianza
En esta lección vamos a enfocarnos en las conexiones entre María y el Arca de la Alianza en el Antiguo Testamento. - Esto va a conducirnos a ver por qué le decimos a ella el Arca de la Nueva Alianza.
7th Sunday of Easter—May 28, 2017
In today's Gospel, a passage known as the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John 17, Jesus talks about the work the Father gave him to do. We might ask, "Exactly what is his work?" And many Christians probably would answer, "Dying on the Cross for the salvation of humanity." But as we unpack this ...