We often have ideas of religious life... either kneeling in a convent or out in the streets assisting the poor. While both of these scenes are essential to the life as a sister, Light of Love takes a deeper look into understanding the call... the "why" of religious life. By interviewing five sisters from five orders across the United States, the film places viewers face to face in intimate conversations with these amazing women. What does it mean to be called? What are the struggles of religious life? How have you seen God move through your ministry? These questions and others are addressed throughout the film.
The film itself is very simple: 60 minutes designed for viewers to quiet their surroundings and enter into convent, the food pantry, the hospital, and the chapel. With minimal music and simple visuals, Light of Love gives viewers a look into the lives, suffering, and joys of religious life captured in a way like never before.
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Sorrowful Mysteries
Entrando en la historia del Matrimonio
La creación de Eva del costado de Adán representa el culmen de la obra creadora de Dios, ya que revela el amor conyugal entre Adán y Eva, el cual, de una manera profunda, representa el amor de Dios por el mundo. Sin embargo, el pecado que cometieron causa una ruptura en su amor, tanto en su amor ...
Sacraments of Service Song | Christin...
Sing and learn what the Catechism says on the Sacraments of Service and what they are, this is one of the three categories of the Seven Sacraments.
I'm Christine! With a passion for both Catholicism and music, I’ve created "Musical Catechesis"—catchy, authentically Catholic songs and videos t...