Let's Celebrate
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8m 0s
In this episode narrated by Maria Swedorske and featuring Logan Renner, we learn about a young novice friar whose illness almost caused him to leave the monastery. Father Solanus knew God's will was for young Brother Dan to become a Capuchin Friar, and through his trust in God, brought relief to the young novice in the form of a blessing and an ice cream cone.
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What is "the human dimension of the mystery of redemption"? It has to do with what Jesus Christ reveals about man. It has to do with some of John Paul II's favorite words from Vatican II, "It is only in the mystery of the Word made flesh that the mystery of man truly becomes clear." So, what does...
Día 6: Abre nuestros ojos Señor
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Señor, abre nuestros ojo... -
Beato Duns Scotus
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