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Lectio: Mark (Portuguese) - Episode 10
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Female Leadership in the Church and C...
Mary FioRito shares her experience as a veteran diocesan staff member, sharing stories of the unique leadership she brings as a woman in the Church. Recorded at the 2021 GIVEN Institute.
Why parents matter more than you think
We all know parents are important. But just how impactful are they? Parents, or primary caregivers, aren’t just important for their contributions to our biology and genetics, but also because of all the other ways they shape us, especially during our early and formative years. They are the only r...
La Crucifixión y Muerte de Jesús | Mi...
Jesús entra en el momento más oscuro de la historia humana precisamente para revelar el amor insondable del Padre. Lo que hizo Dios hace más de 2000 años desea hacerlo hoy en tu vida. Continúa descendiendo en nuestros momentos oscuros para ofrecernos perdón.