People love stories. But when we lose sight of where the story of our life is going, the “narrative” and meaning of our lives becomes confusing to us, and we can lose hope. In this dynamic talk, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, renews our sense of hope and wonder (and humor), revealing that the reason we love stories is that we are part of a good story; one that answers the deepest desires and longings of our hearts. Whatever chapter our lives are in, God can transform our story, so that we can know and experience the beauty, adventure, and love for which we were created.
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Are annulments just a Catholic version of divorce? Nothing could be further from the truth. The differences are profound, and much of the confusion springs from a misunderstanding about marriage itself. Bishop Perry explains the key principles of the Sacrament of Marriage and then considers them ...
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La Pasión de Santa Perpetua con Mike ...
Viaja a la antigua ciudad de Cartago, al norte del África, y conoce el fascinante relato verídico de una valiente joven de la iglesia primitiva. A riesgo de muerte, Perpetua sacrifica riquezas, libertad y hasta la vida misma con tal de no renunciar a su fe en Cristo. Acompaña al afamado autor Mik...