"El que quiera ser grande entre ustedes, que sea el que los sirva, y el que quiera ser primero, que sea su esclavo; así como el Hijo del hombre no ha venido a ser servido, sino a servir y a dar la vida por la redención de todos." (Mateo 20, 26-28)
"Señor, derrama en mí tu misericordia para poder aceptar tus designios y caminar con humildad y apego a tu palabra."
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August 18, 2024 | Daily Mass Readings
Start your day with God's Word by listening to the Catholic Mass readings. Sign up to receive these videos with reflections from Dr. Tim Gray directly to your inbox by visiting https://daily.formed.org.
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The Dismissal
We might consider that the words of the dismissal are the three (Ite, missa est) most forgotten words of the entire Mass. The Latin word, "Ite" is the imperative of "go". This is an emphatic, insistent Go! "Ite, missa est" literally means "Go, it is sent."
Station 4 | Via Lucis
Commentary with Tim Gray and Ben Akers
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