"As the final week before his Passion begins, Jesus has stern warnings for those who would oppose God by rejecting his beloved Son. Will we also reject his words, or will we heed the call to be faithful by rendering unto God the things that are God's?
Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Mark"
Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Mark
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Episode 2: Not Perfect, But Chosen
"Maybe you've seen it on a bumper sticker: ""Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven."" There's a lot of truth in that slogan, even if some people misuse it. Nobody's perfect, not even those who profess to follow Jesus.
But didn't Jesus tell his followers, ""You therefore must be perfect, as yo...
The Gospel According to Matthew
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Mt 3:2). St. Matthew's account of the life of Jesus Christ emphasizes that he is the King of the Jews, the one who was to come and fulfill God's promise to re-establish the kingdom of David. St. Matthew's Gospel is often called "The Catechist's Gosp...
Making Good Choices | Episode 3 | Phi...
Philo and Sophie learn that bad choices lead to unhappiness, and that choosing to care for the unborn and other vulnerable people makes us happy!
In "The Swimming Cap Quandary" Sophie doesn’t want to follow the rules and wear a swimming cap at the beach, so Hannah and Jessica try to show her the...