The Mission of the Family is a dynamic new video series that proclaims the truth and beauty of the Catholic vision of marriage and family life in the modern world.
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Jesus is the Eucharist Song | Christi...
Sing what the Catechism says about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
I'm Christine! With a passion for both Catholicism and music, I’ve created "Musical Catechesis"—catchy, authentically Catholic songs and videos that make learning the Faith fun and easy for the entire family. My ...
Happy Easter from Formed!
Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! The Formed team wishes you a happy Easter and invites you to pray a simple Easter prayer with us. May God bless you abundantly this Easter.
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The Most Miraculous Meal | Daily Brea...
If the manna from heaven and water from the rock in the Old Testament were miraculous, the Eucharist cannot be a mere symbol. It is even more miraculous!