This content was created for and is most appropriate for use by men or men’s groups.
Men must become leaders through developing their character. True leadership seeks greatness and brings out greatness in others. Robert Yates discusses his service in the Air Force and highlights the importance of being servant leaders.
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Mary: Handmaid of the Lord by St. Ter...
St. Teresa of Calcutta is known throughout the world as a woman who was totally committed to the Gospel. In this inspiring talk, she shares her insights on the Blessed Virgin Mary as a model of womanhood and perfect discipleship. She shows us that we, too, can do the will of God by saying "yes" t...
John 6: Just a Metaphor? | Daily Brea...
What does Jesus mean by "It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail" (John 6:63)? Many people use this verse as a rebuttal against the Eucharist being Christ's actual Body and Blood, but here we can begin to see what he truly means.
The Last Supper Was a Passover Meal |...
Discover more about the Passover meal in which Jesus and the apostles celebrated the Last Supper. By closely reading Luke 22 within its Jewish context, we begin to see how Christ's Paschal Mystery fulfills God's plan for salvation.