Kate Stapleton, a harpist, was 21 when she faced an unplanned pregnancy and chose to place her child in an open adoption. Her daughter, now grown, recently graduated from Franciscan University and performs in the band Acaciawood. Together, they share their story.
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Chapter 9: The Three Tiers
In this chapter, Fr. Mark-Mary walks us through the areas of need and how to discern where our parishes can effectively serve. The three categories or “wounds” he focuses on are the Structural Wound, the Material Wound, and the Heart Wound.
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 14,...
Jesus parable of the Good Samaritan is well-known and often quoted. Yet we often miss how Jesus uses the question "Who is my neighbor?" to upend a rigid and impersonal view of the "Law" of the Jewish people. Through an unlikely her--a member of the Samaritans, who were disdained by the Jews--we s...
Día 30: Los sacramentos
Explicación del significado de los sacramentos. Jesús, verdaderamente nos habla y actúa en los sacramentos, más allá de los signos y símbolos que se usan. Los sacramentos son un acceso directo de la persona al poder de Jesús.
"Los sacramentos son signos eficaces de la grac...
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