Produced by the award-winning filmmakers of the highly acclaimed feature film The 13th Day, this powerful and in-depth documentary combines archival footage, dramatic reenactments, original interviews with Fatima experts, and stunning visuals to tell the whole story of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. With high production values and a beautiful look, artists and filmmakers Ian Higgins and Dominic Higgins present a compelling docu-drama on the crucial details about the appearances and messages of Our Lady in Fatima in 1917, a message of prayer, penance, and conversion that is desperately needed in our modern world. From the initial apparitions of the angel who prepared the children for Our Lady's coming, to the Miracle of the Sun, including moving film footage from The 13th Day, this illuminating and inspiring film will impact all those who see it to take heed of the critical messages of Our Lady of Fatima.
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