We all desire order. We all desire to find balance amidst the chaos of life. In her talk Erika addresses these very things! Through her personal witness, Erika provides practical tips for prioritizing and discusses a variety of pitfalls faithful women can fall into causing imbalance in their lives.
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Robin Hood with Paul McCusker
Jayd Henricks meets with Paul McCusker, the creator of The Legends of Robin Hood audio drama. Listen in as they discuss this classic tale and discover how to ignite your children's imagination while teaching them moral integrity and love for the Catholic faith through storytelling!
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Chris...
When we receive Holy Communion, we hear the words, "This is my Body" and "This is my Blood," to which we dutifully answer, "Amen." But have you ever considered exactly what those words mean?
Because I Love You
A powerful montage of the works of mercy is interspersed with audio and video clips of Mother Teresa articulating the heart of the Gospel.
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