Find rest tonight with this sleep story based on the Gospel of Luke by Gwen Adams from the Amen app. In this 3-hour Catholic sleep meditation loop, listen to how Jesus calls Zacchaeus to follow him, just as he calls you. The Lord is always seeking you, waiting to be received into the house of your heart. Find peace as you receive the Lord tonight.
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Meod/Strength | The Shema: Word Studi...
What does it mean to love God "with all of your strength"? In this final installment of our videos on the Shema, we explore the Hebrew word underneath this phrase. And spoiler alert: "strength" is only one of many ways this rich word could be translated.
The Bible Project is a nonprofit group de...
Episode 7: Fitness and Faith Jared Zi...
As human beings with a body and soul, our physical health and spiritual health are connected. In this episode, fitness expert Jared Zimmerer shares how living a healthy lifestyle can help you grow in virtue, integrate your body, mind, and soul, and carry out God’s will better than ever. Br. James...
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time—August 4...
The Old Testament reading reminds us that we can spend our whole lives acquiring things but, in the end, all of our possessions will go to those who haven't worked for them. This sets us up for the Gospel reading, as Jesus addresses a man who wants him to settle a dispute about an inheritance. As...
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