"Le dice Pedro: «No me lavarás los pies jamás.» Jesús le respondió: «Si no te lavo, no tienes parte conmigo.» Le dice Simón Pedro: «Señor, no sólo los pies, sino hasta las manos y la cabeza.»."
(Juan 13, 8-9)
"Señor Jesús, que tu ejemplo de mansedumbre y humildad sea siempre mi aliciente para llegar a ti con pureza de corazón."
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Questions and Answers | The Augustine...
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Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Ben Akers, Associate Professor of Theology and Executive Director of FORMED, answer your questions on this week's episode of the Augustine Institute Show! Join us this Tuesday at 7 p.m. EST for this special Q...
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Matt Fradd is a highly sought-after Catholic speaker and apologist who speaks to over fifty thousand teens and young adults a year. Matt is a gifted evangelist whose talks are the perfect balance between intellectual depth presented in an understandable fashion and an entertaining style that keep...