A persecution ends, and a pagan empire falls.
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Post-Pandemic Mental Health Realities...
Sister Josephine guides us through the statistics of mental health realities in adolescents and adults as they currently stand. This will help us see how necessary it is to pay attention to these realities.
One of the greatest things that Father Kapaun did was to inspire the virtue of hope in his men, a virtue that helped many of them survive the terrible conditions of the prison camp and set their sights on something higher than this world. Are you a man of hope? Do you bring hope to those around y...
The Grace of Ars by Frederick Miller
St. John Vianney is the patron saint of all parish priests. Pope Benedict XVI has held him up as the role model to follow in the recently declared Year for Priests (2009-2010). Priests and seminarians who wish to strengthen their commitment to the priesthood as well as men who are discerning the ...