Jordan Schiele grew up a wealthy cradle Catholic with only a vague concern for the suffering around him. As an adult, a personal encounter opened his eyes to the suffering and mistreatment of those less fortunate. Grappling with his faith and where he belonged, he hit the road spending his time volunteering and serving in poor communities. During this time he met his wife, Jessie, who shared his same love for simplicity and serving. After rediscovering his faith on a profoundly deeper level, Jordan and Jessie, began Jerusalem Farm where they live prayerfully and minimally in community with others who share their desire to serve and welcome the poor and impoverished in their community.
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Join Taylor Kemp as he sits down with Sister Josephine Garrett, a licensed mental health counselor and a religious sister with the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, to discuss teenage mental health. In this episode, Sister Josephine offers advice for disciplining teenagers.
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La Misión de Salvar Matrimonios (Segu...
En esta edición Viviana Martínez entrevista a Jackie Barreto quien comparte las principales razones por las cuales las parejas llegan a Retrouvaille así como las herramientas que ayudan a las parejas que asisten a salir adelante pese a los retos propios de la vida matrimonial.
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