Episode 5 | The Lost Mandate of Heaven
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Pages 72–98.
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Episode 2 | Science at the Doorstep t...
Entropy: Why do things degrade? Father Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro discuss some of the basic principles of Father Robert Spitzer’s new book "Science at the Doorstep to God".
The Cross of Death of a Loved One
It is an often-vexing cross for a parent to bury their beloved child. It is also a heartbreaking cross for a spouse to bury their beloved spouse decades earlier than desired. David Park, KM, a retired small business owner, shares the pain and loss he suffers with the premature death of his uber-s...
¿Por qué buscamos significado en las ...
¿Alguna vez has buscado significado en ‘coincidencias’ o en eventos que aparentemente son ‘casualidades’? ¿Qué sucede con el mundo a tu alrededor y el plan mayor para tu vida? El anhelo humano de encontrar un significado más profundo en nuestras vidas es algo natural, y que compartimos con el res...