Join Dr. Michael Barber and Dr. Scott Hefelfinger as they unpack the Catholic and scriptural roots of “The Perfect Opportunity,” highlighting how The Chosen brings biblical events to life.
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Clara y Francisco
Ésta es una excelente película sobre las vidas de Santa Clara y San Francisco de Asís, grabada en Italia por la compañía italiana Lux Vide, productora de Santa Rita, El Papa Juan Pablo II y San Juan Bosco. Esta fantástica película es única entre todas las que se han filmado acerca de la vida de S...
Parenting for Purity by Jason Evert
3rd Sunday of Advent— December, 17, 2017
There are many paradoxes in our Christian Faith. For example, there are three Persons in one God; this God made something out of nothing; God's mother is one of his creations, etc. It can be easy to respond by simply ignoring the discrepancies. But these paradoxes are not meant to be ignored. The...
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