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Episode 73: The Father’s Blessing

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Episode 3 | The Spirit of the Liturgy

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  • Episode 73: The Father’s Blessing

    "Affirmation feels different when it’s public, out loud and in front of everyone — as at the Baptism of Christ and the Transfiguration, where God audibly affirmed Jesus as his beloved Son. That affirmation becomes the foundation that allows Jesus to be free; to weep and be compassionate and angry...

  • Día 27: Encuentro hermoso


    Los sacerdotes testifican sobre la belleza que representa para ellos el ser invitados al momento tan íntimo del encuentro de un alma con la misericordia de Jesús.


    "El fin y el efecto de este sacramento son, pues, la reconciliación con Dios. En efecto, el sacramento de la r...

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    Since Matrimony is a sacrament given by Christ to his Church, the Church has the authority to determine if a marriage is valid or not based on a set of criteria: the spouses were free to marry, they freely exchanged their consent, they had the intention to marry for life, to be faithful to one an...