Episode 3-Roots
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Each of us has a personal narrative built on our unique life experiences. These narratives often shape how we parent and influence our expectations for the family. As the family comes together, we each bring unique experiences that contribute to how the family operates. This is especially true of spouses whose stories merge together to forge the direction of the entire family. Our uniqueness as parents affects the development of our children. Here we uncover how to use our past experiences in a healthy way that leads our families to thrive.
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The Lord's Diner
The fourth Pillar of Stewardship is service: an outward response to the gifts we have received from the Lord. This session shares the beautiful story of how The Lord's Diner not only provides food for those who are hungry, but also an opportunity for men and women to put this Pillar into action. ...
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Welcome to Opening the Word, videos and guides offering prayer and insights for the Sunday Readings.
Matrimonio y Vida Consagrada: Vocació...
En esta edición de "Formed Ahora", Viviana Martínez entrevista a la Hermana Teresa Angeles, una monja Clarisa Capuchina, para compartir su experiencia vocacional contemplativa en el claustro. Ambas comparan y encuentran muchos puntos en común entre la vida en comunidad de una religiosa y la vida ...