Learn about The Seven Deadly Sins with Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Dr. Carl Vennerstrom and how to apply an antidotal cure through virtue. In this episode, learn about the sin of envy – a form of sadness in which you want others to be deprived of a good or a disordered gladness when someone is suffering the loss of a good.
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Formed for Mission Episode 10: Eterna...
Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down for a weekly show on evangelization and mission.
“Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize” (EN, 14). We pray that these discussions may help all the faithful be further co...
July 12, 2020 - 15th Sunday in Ordina...
When we hear the parable of the sower and seed, it can be easy to assume it is meant for someone else. After all, we are good soil, right?
Chance or Purpose? by Cardinal Christ...
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn's article on evolution and creation in The New York Times launched an international controversy. Critics charged him with biblical literalism and "creationism".
In this book, Cardinal Schönborn responds to his critics by tackling the hard questions with a carefully...
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