Disfruta y aprende con el Dr. Tom Stanley acerca del valor de la vida. Esta presentación nos enseña cómo fuimos creados y el maravilloso plan que Dios tiene para cada uno de nosotros. Después de verla, amarás y respetaras la vida como nunca antes.
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Saints for Sinners: The Lives of St. ...
Learning about the lives of the saints is a great way to deepen our love of God and recommit us to his service. We are reminded of how the Lord works in the lives of ordinary people, helping us to conquer sin. In this excerpt from the book, Saints for Sinners, the incredible lives of these saints...
Why is there a Pope?
Did Jesus think of the pope? What is a pope? Dr. John Sehorn and Chris Stefanick hone in on the history of how the office of the pope came to be.
Marcam Meets a Police Officer | Episo...
Come on this adventure with Marcam as he meets a Catholic police officer and learns about the important role of police officers in our communities!