El Santo Rosario es una oración católica muy recomendada para invocar la intercesión de la Bendita Virgen María. Enraizado en la Sagrada Escritura y a veces llamado "el Evangelio en miniatura," su sencillez lo hace ideal para la meditación privada, la oración comunitaria y las devociones familiares. En esta presentación, la música católica tradicional sirve de fondo para el rezo del Santo Rosario, creando un ambiente que inspira a cualquiera a rezar fácilmente.
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Chapter 13: “Share Prayer”
Julianne gives five practical steps to “share prayer” so that you can begin doing this today!
Chapter 12: Start with Prayer
This chapter notes how critical prayer is for us to be disciples of the Lord on mission. Julianne gives some practical tips that are simple yet challenging.
The Idea of a University by John Henr...
No man was ever better qualified to write such a book as The Life of a University than Cardinal Newman was. And the subject has never been more pressing than it is today. In this classic, Newman poses a number of important questions: What is the purpose of education? What does it mean to be educa...