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The Journey Through
The Journey Through explores the emotions of grief, the importance of forgiveness, disenfranchised grief, and The Seven Intentions of Mourning: Prayer, Remembering and Honoring our loved ones, Acceptance, Yielding to the Pain, having an Enduring Connection, Rebuilding our lives, and Giving and Re...
Bound for Rome: Acts 21-28 | Luke-Act...
In the final video in our Acts series, we trace Paul’s final journey to Jerusalem and then into a Roman prison. But paradoxically, Paul’s suffering leads him into the heart of the Roman empire where he gets to announce God’s Kingdom over the nations.
The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedica...
Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love b...
In today's culture, we're constantly bombarded with the secular notion of love and intimacy, instead of the kind of love that God intended for his children. In this Lighthouse Talk, Dr. Edward Sri explains how Pope St. John Paul II's teachings of the Theology of the Body can help us prepare for m...