Jason Evert, conferencista y autor católico, nos presenta los cinco grandes amores del Papa San Juan Pablo II. Nos comparte historias sobre la vida de este santo, contadas por los que conocieron. Prepárate para conocer cosas que no sabías sobre este santo hombre de Dios que, entre otras cosas, promovió la devoción a la Divina Misericordia y la Consagración Mariana, ayudó a derrocar el comunismo en Europa, articuló lo que hoy se conoce como la Teología del Cuerpo y se hizo amigo de los jóvenes como ningún otro Papa lo había hecho.
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Complete Through Diversity | Episode ...
In this video, Austin speaks about the Sent Evangelization method for the door to door within the parish, which includes evangelists, intercessors, and support members.
For additional resources, please visit leaders.formed.org/sent.
For more information, please visit sentevangelization.org.
These Three Words Changed EVERYTHING ...
If there are three words that change everything, it’s these: He is risen. In this episode, Chris walks through Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, and how it affects your life 2,000 years later. He talks about why we still experience death and what it actually means to say that Jesus “conquered de...
Adviento - Día 10: La Alabanza
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Click here to explore the Brother Francis Coloring and Activity Book: https://brotherfrancisstore.com/products/the-days-of-advent-catholic-coloring-and-ac...
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