Join Marcam for a fun pool day as he dives into the world of numbers and teaches counting, addition, subtraction - and has fun splashing and learning about the Catholic faith along the way!
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Marcam Receives a Box of Surprises | ...
Join Marcam as he opens a box full of surprises, and help him decide which items can be found in Mass, and which items can be found in a toy box. Are you ready to unwrap some presents? Let’s go!
Marcam Learns How to Line Dance | Epi...
Get your dancing boots on and hop up on your feet! Join Marcam as he meets a Catholic line dancing teacher and has a blast learning some new moves!
La Historia de la Eucaristía
En esta sesión, veremos cómo toda la historia de la salvación es una sola narración que nos lleva hacia el punto culminante de los eventos del Misterio Pascual. Por todo el Antiguo Testamento, Dios ha estado preparando a su pueblo para la Eucaristía, por medio de distintas prefiguraciones. De la ...