"Voz del que clama en el desierto: Preparad el camino del Señor, enderezad sus sendas" (Lc 3,4)
Dios Padre Misericordioso, nos acercamos a ti con amor y confianza. Queremos preparar el camino para la venida de tu Hijo, nuestro Señor. Danos la virtud de la humildad para preparar su venida en nuestros corazones. Amén.
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7th Sunday of Easter, Ascension of th...
In today’s Gospel, a passage known as the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John 17, Jesus talks about the work the Father gave him to do. We might ask, “Exactly what is his work?” And many Christians probably would answer, “Dying on the Cross for the salvation of humanity.” But as we unpack this ...
Baptizing the Barbarians | The Early ...
During the 5th century, when the Barbarians threatened to smash the Western part of the Empire, the Church emerged as the only authority left to face the danger. Thanks to her the Latin language and culture were preserved. Moreover, Roman Law became one of the pillars of the new Christian civiliz...
SHADE -- Lover of the Fringe -- Broth...
"SHADE" is a new acoustic series featuring the music of Brother Isaiah, CFR. Brother Isaiah offers simple and uncut prayers from the heart hoping these "holy-hooks" might offer you an experience of the Lord's accompanying presence and refreshment in the midst of your day-to-day journey. The pilgr...
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