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Called to Accompany | Trailer

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Adviento - Día 15: Buscando al Mesías

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  • Called to Accompany | Trailer

    The Called to Accompany series invites youth ministry volunteers to learn and explore the many aspects that make a parish youth ministry successful. Through videos and group discussion, volunteers are encouraged to respond to Pope Francis's call to accompany the youth towards a deep and fulfillin...

  • 1.3 - Trabajando con los jo_venes

    El Padre Joseph Espaillat nos describe cuales serían los ideales para trabajar el voluntariado en el ministerio juvenil.

  • The Feminine Genius Unleashed in Educ...

    How are we as Catholic women called to educated? In her talk, Sr. Amelia address this very question. She discussed educating in every forum, the primacy of the human person, and role education plays in forming individuals to a greater end.