"Venid a mi todos los que estáis cansados y agobiados, y yo os aliviaré. Tomad mi yugo sobre vosotros y aprended de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón, y encontraréis descanso para vuestras almas. Porque mi yugo es llevadero y mi carga ligera." (Mt 11,28-29)
Señor, libranos del peso de nuestra vida diaria. Hoy venimos a ti agobiados por la carga con la esperanza que nos liberes del peso de nuestros pecados. Queremos cargar tu yugo y aprender de ti. Amén.
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Socrates Meets Kant by Peter Kreeft
Immanuel Kant is one of the greatest philosophers in history. But, as Peter Kreeft notes in this book, Kant is really two philosophers - a philosopher about how we know things (epistemology) and a philosopher of right and wrong (ethics). If he had written only on either topic, he would still be t...
Passionate | Fearless and Free | Epis...
“Warriors, it is time to arise!” says Lisa Brenninkmeyer.
God is passionate about our healing and wholeness. He doesn’t want us to settle for the superficial, because He knows that in doing that, we will forfeit the life that we were created to live. Be empowered to live as God intends.
2nd Sunday of Easter—April 8, 2018
God's merciful love is the Good News of the Gospel, and the reason why Christ suffered, died, and rose again. The Catechism goes so far as to say that, "The Gospel is the revelation in Jesus Christ of God's mercy to sinners" (CCC 1846). God's mercy reached down to us in our sinful state and sent ...