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Venerable Jerome Lejeune: To the Least of These My Brothers & Sisters | Trailer
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A Parable for Advent: Waiting as Whea...
A Parable for Advent:Waiting as Wheat among the Weeds
by Dr. James Prothro -
Real Marriage v. the Ideal
The Murphys, Dawsons, and Stouts all thought that because they studied theology, they would be really good at this marriage thing. But knowing the Theology of the Body, while that knowledge is certainly a gift, does not mean your marriage will be easy. The messiness and difficulty of marriage is ...
The Song of the Scaffold: A Novel by ...
"The point of departure for my creation was not primarily the destiny of the sixteen Carmelites of Compiegne but the figure of the young Blanche. . .. Born in the profound horror of a time darkened by the signs of destiny, this figure arose before me in some way as the embodiment of the mortal ag...