At Emmaus, Christ does not disappear: his Presence remains in a new, visible way in the Eucharist. To this day, Christ is visibly present to us, though veiled in the forms of bread and wine.
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Skiff y AJ's viaje fantástico
Dos simpáticos personajes, Skiff (un incensario) y AJ (un rociador de agua bendita) prueban una máquina del tiempo que ellos mismos fabricaron y que además los encoge al tamaño de un mosquito. Y comienzan una travesía con una mujer embarazada que los inhala por error, en su afán de provocar un en...
Bible Study: The Gospel of Matthew 24...
This week Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Michael Barber, professor of Sacred Scripture at the Augustine Institute Graduate School, continue their study of the Gospel of Matthew by diving into 24:1-28.
Click to view the entire series
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Pentecost Novena — Day 2 — May 20, 2023
Join us in praying the original novena with the apostles as we await the promise of the Father (Acts 1:4) at Pentecost.
View all days of the Pentecost Novena