"For the medicine cannot heal what it does not know." Jesus Christ gifted us with priests as doctors of our souls so that we can be healed by his saving power. Father Espaillat walks us through the sacrament of confession and urges us to let Jesus in because he is always knocking on the door of our hearts!
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The Gospel of Mark | Book Collection ...
Mark is one of the earliest Gospel accounts and addresses the basic question of whether Jesus was the true Messiah for whom Israel had been waiting. The Catholic Church has received Mark 16:9-20 as canonical and inspired scripture, whether or not it was authored by the evangelist or a later scrib...
Chapter 9: A Snapshot of a Parish Today
A parish leader must understand their mission field. Tim gives us a data snapshot of those people who are in your parish today. This is key to being able to move forward with effective measures.
Tears of Christ - Day 5