Portraying the life of Chiara Lubich, the founder of the Focolare Movement, this powerful movie tells the dramatic story of the spiritual and human adventure of a young teacher from Trento, Italy, who, amidst the devastation and despair from the bombings of World War II, was called to build a better, more united world, becoming a strong witness and advocate of universal brotherhood as a prerequisite for dialogue and peace among men. Directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Giacomo Campiotti (Mary of Nazareth, St. Philip Neri), it reveals a charismatic figure who chose love as the compass of life and found her mission and purpose through the passage from the Gospel, "May they all be one."
With her message of friendship and relief towards her neighbor, especially the poor and suffering, without distinction of race or religious belief, Chiara greatly contributed to renewing the Church and society, becoming a light in the darkness through the work of the Focolare Movement, which continues her legacy today throughout the world. Her mission had the full support of all the Popes in her lifetime, and she had particular close collaboration with Pope John Paull II. Her cause for sainthood has been opened in Rome.
In Italian with English subtitles, or an English dubbed track.
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