Chapter 3: The Eucharist as Sacrifice
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What is the mass fundamentally about? Bishop Cozzens speaks on the Eucharist as a re-presentation of Christ's unique sacrifice on the cross, how this happens, and why it is so important. In the mass, we unite ourselves to Jesus' perfect sacrifice. Christ's sacrifice transcends all time so we can be with him daily in true worship at the Holy sacrifice of the Mass.
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Transfiguration Sunday—August 5, 2018
In the Gospel today, Jesus chides the Israelites for seeking only earthly fulfillment. He calls them, and likewise us, to open our hearts to our deeper desire for God. Ultimately, God wants to fill our deepest longings for his infinite love.
Hosea | Old Testament: Book Overviews...
Watch our overview video on the book of Hosea, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this book, Hosea accuses Israel of breaking their covenant with God and warns them of the tragic consequences to follow.
The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated t...
El Más Allá | Descanso Eterno | Episo...
¿Qué sucede después del momento de nuestra muerte? Una vez que el alma ha sido separada del cuerpo, ¿entonces qué? ¿Qué es el cielo, el infierno y el purgatorio? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el juicio particular y el juicio general? Esta sesión analiza la verdad sobre lo que le espera a la person...