This chapter is incredibly impactful because most of what we already do as parishes falls under the category of catechesis. Julianne Stanz gives us some creative ways to reinforce what we already are doing well and to rethink some of the ways we have always done things. How can we best create a trellis in our parish that will genuinely help people to grow?
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Creo en Dios
El misterio central de la fe cristiana es nuestra creencia en un Dios en tres Personas—la Santísima Trinidad. Esta creencia tiene ramificaciones importantes sobre lo que creemos de Dios, sobre Su creación y sobre nosotros mismos como seres humanos creados a imagen y semejanza de Dios.
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Science for Believers by Dr. Stacy Tr...
Chapter 14: Introduction
This chapter introduces the section on building a clear path to discipleship. Tim reminds us that this is our core identity as a Church, so we strategize on how to accomplish it.