Casting the Vision - Sr. Mary Gabriel Devlin S.V.
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God is working in each and every one of daughters and He is simply waiting for their “yes”. In her talk, Sr. Mary Gabriel, discusses the importance of that unconditional “yes” to the Lord. She explains that God has entrusted so much to His daughters and that it is now up to each one of us to receive the gift that we are, realize the gifts that we have been given, and respond with the gift that only we can.
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La Vida en Cristo, Parte II
"Todo lo que ustedes desearían de los demás, háganlo con ellos: ahí está toda la Ley y los Profetas" (Mateo 7:12). Esta enseñanza de Jesús está al centro de la doctrina social de la Iglesia. La Iglesia es la Madre y Maestra de toda la humanidad, y se esfuerza constantemente por guiar a toda la fa...
What is Hospice?
Hospice care keeps a patient as comfortable as possible for the remainder of life after ceasing aggressive treatment.
After a patient’s condition no longer improves, they may choose to discontinue curative treatment. Instead of frequent hospital visits, the focus becomes on managing pain and oth...
Made to Be Radically Relational
We are radically relational. Author and founder of women’s ministry “Women in New Evangelization,” Kelly Wahlquist draws from scripture to speak about our innate necessity of relationships and community. Learn from Kelly how to be truly relational and bring Christ to the world.