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Always a Mother

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Building Blocks for a Joyful Life | Chris Stefanick Show

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  • Always a Mother

    In this session we'll wrap up our discussion of the dogma of the Assumption of Mary by discussing its history in the early Church and how it is celebrated in the Church's liturgy. We'll also learn why we can call Mary Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate without undermining Christ's role as the...

  • St. Michael The Archangel Prayer Song...

    Let’s sing the St. Michael the Archangel prayer aloud and learn it by heart.

    I'm Christine! With a passion for both ​Catholicism and music, I’ve created "Musical ​Catechesis"—catchy, authentically Catholic ​songs and videos that make learning the Faith ​fun and easy for the entire family. My mis...

  • Father Ryan: A Higher Call

    In the summer of 1878, refugees from the Memphis yellow fever epidemic came to Chattanooga to escape the ravages of this deadly disease. Within two days, the first victims died. Nearly all the townspeople fled to the mountains surrounding Chattanooga, leaving behind those without means, the infir...