Have you ever wanted to ask a professor of Catholic theology your faith-related questions? In this FORMED Now episode, Dr. Ben Akers is put on the spot, answering questions he might not know the answer to. Watch to find answers to your questions and to see how Dr. Akers does.
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Ritos iniciales
El cristiano es invitado a participar de la mesa de la palabra y de la eucaristía, pero para gozar ese encuentro, es necesario prepararnos a ello; los ritos iniciales, disponen nuestro corazón para el encuentro con Jesús en la celebración eucarística.
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time—November...
In our Gospel reading today, Jesus encounters a sincere scribe, unlike the other Pharisees, Herodians, and Sadduccees, who continually attempted to trick him and destroy his words. Because of his sincerity, Jesus offers great hope to this scribe by telling him that he is not far from the kingdom.
Happiness, God, and Man by Cardinal C...
All human beings want to be happy. The longing for happiness does not have to be learned, it is innate. And it can hardly be unlearned. For we never simply acquiesce in unhappiness. Christian faith, the Christian way of life, and the imitation of Christ are understood to be signposts pointing the...