Protestants often challenge Catholics to provide biblical evidence for their belief in indulgences. Can such a challenge be met? Karlo Broussard shows that it can.
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Justice | Themes | The Bible Project
\"Justice\" is a felt need in our world today and a controversial topic. But what is justice, exactly, and who gets to define it? In this video, we'll explore the biblical theme of Justice and discover how it's deeply rooted in the story-line of the Bible that leads to Jesus.
The Bible Project i...
Batalla Espiritual | Firme en la Brec...
La vida del creyente es una batalla espiritual. El hombre tiene múltiples armas espirituales en la lucha contra Satanás, y hay mucho en juego. Don O’Mara narra su experiencia de abuso y adicción, y cómo encontró el perdón y la libertad en Cristo.
Saint Francis: Troubadour of God’s Peace
The son of a prosperous merchant in 12th century Italy, Francis enjoys a carefree life of drinking and carousing with his friends. Yet he is drawn to God, and one day while he is praying in the church of San Damiano, the crucifix miraculously speaks to him.
“Francis,” Jesus says, “do you not se...