Let's talk about creating Catholic traditions in the home, especially when you didn't grow up with them! One of our favorite traditions to share with friends and extended family members is the At Home Nativity Play. We use a simple script with words from the Bible and familiar Christmas carols, and we rope anyone brave enough to have accepted an invitation to Christmas dinner into participating with us, be they Catholic or not! Even when it's just been our immediate family, it has made for many years of fun family memories. Toddlers, in my experience, make excellent innkeepers. "NO ROOM!" And you gotta love a teenager who, when offered the part of Herod, asks if he can be the donkey instead.
The script I put together from Luke and Matthew is available as a printable booklet here: https://catholicallyear.com/product/at-home-nativity-play-script-printable-booklet-digital-download/
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