Join Tim Gray and Chris Stefanick as they explore the themes of 'The Search' in 'After the Search.'
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John of the Cross
As a young priest, John of the Cross (1542-1591) is confronted with the corruption of his Carmelite Order, and sets out to live a truly contemplative life. His religious brothers, resenting his holiness and asceticism and his efforts to reform the order, imprison him in a closet for nine torturou...
Para Niños: ¿Cómo hacer una buena con...
¿Qué se supone que debo decir y hacer en la confesión y por qué? Cada palabra y gesto del rito nos muestra la presencia de Dios. Con una preparación cuidadosa y un corazón contrito y humilde, estaremos listos para experimentar la plenitud del poder de la misericordia de Dios en este sacramento.
How to Bring Fallen-Away Catholics Ba...
What is evangelization all about? What role does the Church expect ordinary Catholics to play in spreading the Catholic Faith? Dr. Scott Hahn, author and renowned theologian, challenges cradle Catholics to witness to the Faith through everyday life. He presents proven and effective ways to touch ...