The Footprints of God series take you on journeys of discovery through the lands of the Bible to meet the key figures in salvation history. Now enjoy Steve Ray’s fascinating conversations with experts on each of the topics, uncovering even more interesting facts.
Cardinal Schonborn joins Steve to talk about the life and mystery of Mary and the Marian doctrines. These unscripted conversations are lively and entertaining, theologically rich and thought-provoking. Listen in and learn more about the story of salvation.
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What Is Mental Health? | Teenage Ment...
Join Taylor Kemp as he sits down with Sister Josephine Garrett, a licensed mental health counselor and a religious sister with the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, to discuss teenage mental health. In this episode, Sister Josephine explains what mental health is and how her work as a couns...
Día 32: "¿Quién crees que es Jesús?"
"Jesús les respondió: «En verdad, en verdad os digo: antes de que Abraham existiera, Yo Soy.»."
(Juan 8,58)
"Señor Jesús, ayúdame a conocerte realmente y poder dar fiel testimonio de tú mensaje y vida."
Amén -
Blessed are They who Hunger and Thirs...
Do you hunger more for your own comfort or for others to come to know the love of God? In this session, missionary Andy Churray inspires us with the zeal he has for bringing the love of God to inner city teens and the joy that comes with it. (10 minutes)