One of the great spiritual truths is that forgiveness is as much for ourselves as it is for the other person. If we do not forgive, we hold that person in bondage to their sin. And we hold ourselves in bondage both to the sin and the sinner as well.
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Peter and John Running to the Tomb
Dr. Elizabeth Klein reflects upon Eugene Burnand’s painting “Peter and John Running to the Tomb," which captures the dynamics of the life of faith in the expressions of these two great Apostles.
Al rescate de la familia por Monseñor...
El Monseñor Jorge De los Santos nos comunica los retos de la familia y hace una comparación entre lo que es la familia y la religiosidad hispana. Si se quiebra la familia, se quiebra la sociedad y la Iglesia y el mundo porque la familia es la base de todo. El objetivo de esta plática es despertar...
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time—October ...
The readings for today focus on God's vision of marriage—a clearly hot topic in our culture. Today the Church invites us to peacefully meditate on what the Lord proposes to be the meaning of marriage. And as we'll see, God created marriage to reveal the very meaning of our existence, and it is ve...
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