We have all been in need of something at some time, maybe even begging for it. We all have had many experiences of needing to ask for a favor or a need to be met of someone. When it comes to asking God for things, what is it we ask him for? Do we seek comfort - health, wealth, job security, or whatever other dream is the "end all be all" in our minds? Or, do we seek virtues like patience, humility, compassion, meekness, and so on? God will grant us the spiritual gifts we ask for, as we cooperate with his grace and learn to turn to him in our human struggles to master them.
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El Enfoque Católico: La Biblia como f...
El Padre Tomás del Valle, nos recuerda como la Biblia es la base para toda Doctrina Católica.
Chapter 12: Interiorizing a Vision
As a parish staff, you need to have a vision interiorized before you begin to cast it, and this vision needs to come from God. Tim discusses the necessity of prayer in forming your parish’s vision.
Dr. Edward Sri explains how relationships are an integral part of human happiness and flourishing.